Thursday, December 4, 2008

Selections of Imrei Yehuda: Yisro

1) The gemora in Sanhedrin says that "Vayichad Yisro" means Yisro took arock (I think) and circumsized himself - so the meforshim ask then whydidn't the Posuk say "Vayomal Yisro"?2) Rashi says "Vayichad Yisro" - "Vayismach Yisro" and Unkelos says"VaChadi Yisro" - the Aruch asks why did it have to say Vayichad Yisro,why couldn't it simply say Vayismach Yisro?The gemora in Shabbos says that any Mitzvah that the Yidden were MekabelB'simcha is destined for all future generations to be done B'Simcha. If it would have said Vayomal we wouldn't have known that he wasB'Simcha. If it would have said Vayismach then we wouldn't have knownthat he was Mol.Kevod Kedushas Admor"r M'Bobov Zecher Tzaddik LivrochaHashem is meramez to us in the Aseres Hadibros the Koach of Teshuva andhow it is needed to reach the highest madreigos There are 172 letters inthe Aseres hadibros the same the Roshei teivos of Koneh Oylomoy B'shoAdmo"r Brezhan Zecher Tzaddik Livrocha


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