WARNING: This is a real Chassishe Vort :-) "Vayedaber Hashem ....Kach es Haleviyiim Mitoch Bnei Yisroel V'TihartaOisom" The Heiliger Ropshitzer ZT"L discussed the possuk "V'Ho-ish Moshe AnavMeoid Mikol HoOdam Asher al Pnei Ha'adomah" . The meforshim ask how canthis be so if he himself saw that he was chosen from amongst all of KlalYisroel to go up to Shamayim, accept the Torah and speak to the RibbonoShel Oilam "Ponim el Ponim"? How could he believe that he was theinferior to all of mankind? The answer is that when Moshe Rabbeinu ascended to Shamayim he saw howthe Mitzvos illuminated the heavens, with the mitzvos of Tefillin andTzitzis shining the greatest. He then began to delve into the source ofthese mitzvos, that they are made from the skins and the wool of lowlybehaimos, even from a Nevailah, and yet they shine brightest of all.Man who is a greater Madreigah of "Medaber" should have been chosen touse his skin etc.. for these mitzvos not an animal. From here Moshe Rabbeinu brought a proof that anything that is lowly andinsignificant on this world, is of great esteem in Shamayim and isselected for Mitzvos. So I (Moshe) who was chosen from all of KlalYisroel (on this world) to go up and bring the Torah to the Yidden, mustbe the lowest and insignificant. That is p'shat in the possuk "V'Hoish Moshe Anav Meoid" and how can thisbe? "Mikol HoOdam Asher al Pnei Ha'adomah" by seeing that he was chosenfrom all man on this world. The purification of man comes from the concept of "Bittul" that onerealizes in oneself that they are "nothing". Utilizing the concept of aMiut (of a dovor Issur) being Botul B'Rov, when a person sees himself asless than others in Klal Yisroel he becomes "botul" in his own eyes andbecomes Tohor. The Ribbono Shel Oilam wanted to separate the Leviyiim to be dedicatedto His service, so he commanded Moshe to take the Leviyiim from the BneiYisroel. The Leviyiim will then see that they were selected from Klal Yisroel sotherefore they must be the lowest from all, then they will feel thatthey are "betailim um'vutalim" and have the proper Taharas HaNefesh That is pshat in the Possuk "Kach es Haleviyiim Mitoch Bnei Yisroel"that they will see they were selected from Klal Yisroel so thereforethey must be the lowest from all and then it will result in "V'TihartaOisom" through their "Shiflus" they will be Zoicheh to Taharas Hanefesh Therefore the Roshei Teivos of "Oisom" (Aleph/Sof/Mem) is "(Miflu)Mimchu Al Tidrosh" - if you see that you were given something that is"Miflu Mimchu" and that you were selected above others.....then "AlTidrosh" "Al" being from a loshon of being unimportant, meaning youshould be Doiresh in yourself that you are inferior to others which willresult in the purification of your Neshoma.(Imrei Yehida)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
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