"Noson Tittein Lo V'al Yera Lovovcha B'sitcha lo"Why the double Loshon of Noson Tittein?When an Oni asks for money the yetzer Hora tries to stop the person fromgiving tzedokah by saying how can you give, you wont have for yourself.A person will then have "yera Levovcha" So the Torah gives an Eitzah - that there should be a double giving.First a person should give from one "kuppa" to another. Then when theOni asks for money they should give from this second Kuppa. Therefore when one gives from one Kuppa to another the Yetzer Hora cantsay anything because it's still in his control. When the Oni comes theYetzer cant say he will be deficient because he's giving from theTzedoka Kuppa. (Sfas Emes M'Brezhan) Re-ay Onochi Noisen Lifneichem Hayom Brocha The Mechilta in Parshas Yisro discusses the concept of Klal Yisroel'sdesire to see the Ribbono Shel Olam and that he should speak to usdirectly not through a sheliach. Second, many ask,The Gemora Kiddushin 39b says "S'char Mitzva B'hei Alma Leka" if so, theThe Ribbono Shel Olam (Kavayochol) transgresses on "Lo Solin PeulasSochir" and "U'vyomo Tittein Sechoro". The answer is that the torah was given through a Middleman (Moshe) andthe din is that one who hires workers through a middleman does nottransgress "Lo Solin Peulas Sochir" and "U'vyomo Tittein Sechoro". That's why Klal Yisroel wanted Hashem to communicate directly with themso that the two commandments would "be in effect" (Kavayochol) andthere will Schar in this world. Hashem said the first two dibros directly. So anyone in Klal Yisroel whois Moiser Nefesh in the fullfilment of "Anochi" and "Lo See'h'yeh" canreceive reward on this world. That's Pshat in the Possuk Re-ay Onochi - with the fullfilling of the "anochi" by accepting andbelieving in the true Oneness of Hashem - through that....NoisenLifneichem Hayom Brocha - "Hayom" - immediately - davka on this world. The "Brocha" is as the possuk continues "Asher Tishmeu el Mitzvos Hashemelokeichem asher Anochi Metzaveh eschem" - again reiterating that theBrocha comes through being mekayeim the "anochi" (Imrei Yehida M'Brezhan)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
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